Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

i mean...if the hair grows from the root and scalp, what difference does it make whether the tips are healthy or not? how does cutting the tips of your hair affect how fast it grows out of your head?

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

by trimming the ends you do away with split ends. split ends cause breakage. It really does not grow faster it just seems like it cuz you have less breakage. hair grows on the average of 1/4 to 1/2 inch a month. But if you let the split ends grow it will result in breakage making it seem like it is not growing.

At least thats what I learned while attending cosmetology collage

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

You answered it. It grows from your head.

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

I think cutting the tips gets rid of the split ends that cause your hair to break and to separate.

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

Different times of the year my hair grows faster on it's own.

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

It does not grow faster, it just gets rid of dead split ends. It looks better %26amp; appears to have grown.

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

complete myth. cutting the tips does nothing to your hair growth.

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

you cut off the split ends which if left on will break off

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

it doesnt, its only when its shorter you notice it growning more

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

it dosnt it just gets rid of split ends

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

No effect whatsoever.

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

It appears to grow faster but it really grows the same. It appears that way nbecause you cut the dead ends off so it will not split and break. So basically it keeps it at its healthiest.

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

because when the ends split, they can split all the way upward and since that can make the hair weak, that can cause breakage.if you don't cut it, it will break your hair.

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

cutting the tips does nooooot make it grow faster but when your hair grows out it will be even and healthier!! completwe myth anbout the fastness

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

It dont its an old wives tale."so to speak"

How does your hair grow faster by cutting the tips?

I've actually had experience with this issue. Trimming split ends prevents what could ultimately turn into a hair disaster. Your hair may grow at the same rate without it, but it will appear unhealthy, uneven, and uncared for. The ultimate benefit is beautiful hair. After all, what good does it do to have long hair if it looks bad???

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