Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Has anyone cut their own hair?? Have any tips??

my hair is getting long and out of control. I've cut my hair before, it didn't actually come out that bad, but its been a while. just wanted to see if anyone had some pointers or helpful tips. thanks.

Has anyone cut their own hair?? Have any tips??

I've went to a professional twice in two years. That's it. I have them cut the length, but I do all the layers and bangs and such.

What are you wanting to do? Layers? This is what I do. You'll have to experiment for yourself.

Basically, I just make sure my scissors are sharp and I section off where I want the first layer to start. for example, if you want a short layer at your ears, section off hair equally about the top of your head and crown. Pull it up and brush it straight, then pull forward toward your forehead and then I start to cut. I always cut VERTICALLY or at a small diagonal; NEVER STRAIGHT ACROSS. If you cut vertically (up and down the direction of the hair), it takes a lot longer, but you're a lot less likely to make mistakes.

Every couple of minutes while I'm cutting, I let go of the hair and brush it back and look at it to see if I'm liking what I'm seeing, and then I keep on with the same place or move down to another layer.

Also, I always do it when my hair is dry and never wet.

I know that's hard to follow, but like I said, you'll have to see for yourself. My main advice is to cut sparingly at first.

Has anyone cut their own hair?? Have any tips??

I cut my own hair a few years ago, and it didn't turn out well at all. The front looked fine, but the back looked very, very, very, horribly, ridiculously bad.

Has anyone cut their own hair?? Have any tips??

I do, DON''s mayhem

Has anyone cut their own hair?? Have any tips??

I have clippers and #2 all over. Short cool and it makes me run faster.

Has anyone cut their own hair?? Have any tips??

Make sure that you have sharp scissors,a comb, have a hand mirror available as well as your wall mirror, take your time and don't cut too much at once. Know exactly how short you want it and remember it is always longer when you pull on it to cut it . So it will be slightly shorter in the long run.Best bet is to have a trusted friend help you.

Has anyone cut their own hair?? Have any tips??

I would just get it cut at super cuts if you must.It can turn out badly if you dont do it may cut off more than you want, it may be too blunt....just havesomeone who knows what to do do you hair

Has anyone cut their own hair?? Have any tips??

I always tape my bangs when I cut them so, they are even ...never cut them wet cause when it drys it shorter.... Cutting on top always use your weight line by your ears never go passed it. For back part down the middle bring both side to front on chest to cut even. Thanks %26lt;:3 }~

Has anyone cut their own hair?? Have any tips??

yes I have. tip: don't do it

Has anyone cut their own hair?? Have any tips??

If your going to cut bangs, cut them while your hair is dry.

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